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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2013-08-10 21:52:09

Create IconAA

   ▐◣     ◢▇███████████▇◣
     ██▉▐██◤ ▐██████▀▆▅▃▀██▍
    ◢█ ██▎█▌▇██████▂▂█▐█▇▅▐▌
   ◢██ ██▌█▎██████◤   █▂███▆▊
  ◢███ ██▉█▐███◤ █◤ ▼▀▀◣   ████▊
▃◢▀▀ █▊▐██████◤ █   ▐【    】▼██▐██◣
   ▐██▎█████◤ █   ▀▀░░ █▉▐██▉
   ███▉▐███◤  ◢▀  ≀      ◢█▋████◣
  ▐█◤ ██◣ ███◣     ◢◠◣     ◢█▉▇███▼▀
  █▋▐██▇▆█▐█▇▆◣▃▂▃◢▇██  ▇████▎
  █ ████████  ▀◥◣▃▃◢◤▀  ▉▇█████▍
  ▋▐███◤▀▀  ▐   ◢██▇  ▉ ▀◥██▌█▎
   ▐█◤  ▀◥▅ ◣▃ ▀◥◤▀██▲▃▉     ◢ ▌█▊█
   ▐▉     ▉ ▀▀◥◣▃ ▀█   ◢◤ ▌  ◥▉
   ▐▌    ▉       █▎     ▌  ▉
   ▐▎     ▅     █▉    ▐   ▉
    ▉     ◥▊     ██    ▐    ▉
   ▉      ▉     ██▌    ▐     ▉
  ▇▀▀▀▀◥▅▃▉     ██▋    ▐▃▃▂▂▉
  ▐▀▇▬▬◣▃▂▃▋    ▐██▌    ▐▃▃▃▃▉
  ▀▀▉  ▐◤▀◣      ▐██▋     ▼ ▐▀
    ▉  ▐    ◥◣   ▐██▊ ▃◢◤   】 ▐

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