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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2011-05-09 23:09:22

Create IconAA

   ▅███████▅   ▃▅         ▂▃◢◤〓▅▃▂
  ▅██████████▅ ▼ ▲     ▂▃〓▂   ◥◣▃  ◥◣
▃███████████▀ ▃▆██   ◢◤    ▀◥◣▃   ◥◣   ◥◣
▀█████████▀▃▆██▀ ◥◣ ◢◤◢▍◢◤      ◥◣   ◥▌ ▎  ◥◣▃
  ▀█████▀▃▆███▀▃   ◥▌ ▋▐▃◢◤▃▅◤▲◥▋   ▋▌    ▼
   ▀█▀▃▅███▀▇▅▃ ▀▅ ▲ █▅█▅█▀ ▌ ▌ ▋   ■   ◢◤
  ▅▀▃▆██■▀▊ ▃▅▂▀▅█▆██▀▅▀ ◥▃▌ ▉  ▌    ▉  ▲
 ▀███■▀  ▐▃▆▀◣  ▐■▌█▉▐■▍  ◢▀▅■  ▍ ▍▼▃◢◤▉
    ▼   ▲ ▊▐■▌◤   ▃███▃    ▐■▌▋▲▎ ▌▋■  ▊
     ▀▅  █▃█◣◥◤    ◢█████◣    ▃▅◤ ▍▲▊ █   ▋
        ▼▆██▅ █▅▃▂▄███▋██▃▂▃▆▀▃▅▀◢█ ▉ ▊ ┃▌
       ▐◣▃ ▅▀▀▃ ▀███▀▀█ ▼██▀▀▀▃▅◢▀█ █  ▌  ▎▌
     ▋   ■ ▅█▊ ▀█ ◢◤◥◣▊ █▀ ▲  ◥▃ █▍▋  ▎  ▍▍
     ▊  ▅▊ ▅███▊ ■  ◢◣ ▌▼ ▆▀    ▀██ ▌     ▎▍
    ◢▉ ▅█▌ ████▊┃ ▉  █ ▊   ▊       ██ ▍    ┃▎
    ▅■██  ▋███▌ ▍ ▊  █▅▼  ▋ ▲     ██┃     ◥◣
  ◢███▀ ▅█ ███▎ ▌  ▋▅█▅◢◤▌▅█▀      ██▌      ◥◣
▅███▀ ▅█▉ ███  ▋   ▌ ▀▋  █▀       ███▊       ◥◣
▀██◤   ██▊ ██▊ ▅▊  ▋  █  ▼▅▃   ▅█████▃       ▲

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