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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2013-05-12 00:40:43

Create IconAA

::::::::::::|     し   //|  | |       |::::::::::::::::::::::::|
:::::::::::|        ノ/ |   | |       |:::::::::::::::::::::::|
:::::::三ミミ==zzzz、ゞミ/ |   |彡ミ,zzzz彡ミ三::::::::::::::::::|
:::::::::::|ヾ、 (  `)`ヾ、ミミ   l彡/(´  )  ソ:::::::::::::::::::::|   天
:::::::::::|   ` ̄ ̄ ̄ //|  |ヾ、  ̄ ̄ ̄´ |::::::::::::::::::::::|    才
::::::::::|      ̄ ̄  / |  |ヽ、  ̄ ̄    |:::::::::::::::::::::|    じ
:::::::::|ミiii、       〈  |  |  〉     ,彡::::::::::::::::::::::|   ゃ
:::::::::|ヾlllllli、       |  |       ,iillllllll:::::::::::::::::::::::|   っ
:::::::::|   ヾii      ノ   ',      ii/   |:::::::::::::::::::::::|   た
:::::::::|    ゙|  , -―〈   〉ー-、  |゙    |:::::::::::::::::::::::|   か
::::::::::|    |/:::::::::/::::ヽ ノ::、::::::::::ヽ|    |::::::::::::::::::::::::|   !!!
:::::::::::|   /::::::::/::::/::/::|::::::ヽ::::::::::ヽ   |:::::::::::::::::::::::::|
:::::::::::|  /::::::::/:::::::/::::::|:::::::|::::::::ヽ:::::::::::'、 |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::|

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