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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2013-05-08 00:21:16

Create IconAA

              ,  ' ´ `¨¨¨¨´  ヽ、
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             . ' /           丶 ヽ
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       , -´v' ./   __            __     '.  ト 、
      ( __) ノ   ´_'.  , - 、 .´_'.   '. (_  )
       `-t ´   ゝ`'ノ /   ヽ ゝ`'ノ    ゞー ´
         l      -=― ´ヽ, ´ ー=-      l
  - 、    ィ 、__   `   ‐-‐  ´   __,イ
  V/\ _ィ////////≧t ― -.....-― ,≦///////ハ     私にだって嫌いなクソくらい
   V///////////////,|:::ヽ/:|:::::|ヽ/::|////////,ハ     ありますよ
   V///////////////ゝ::::, '´ ̄`ヽ::::ノ//,:|/////,Λ
    V////////////////i  | ,|  ィ////j'///////|
    V///≫'´/////////i\ | ,| / |///,'////////l

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