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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2013-04-26 11:41:48

Create IconAA

\          ,. < ヽ>,、 `' ヽヘ
lニ`ー- ..__   _,ィェェュ_、`ヽヽ〃--、rタヘ       ,ィ
ヽ三三三_二ニ==‐- .._`ヾュ_ `` ̄、_r' 冫、   ノ l
 ヽ. -‐'´   r¬へ‐-_、  ` 丶 、ー==-‐''   ヽ.ィ´ .,'  ちょっと通りますよ・・・
'´        ー''´ ̄  __,,. -――ヽ'⌒ヽ__ /r'⌒ヽ/
ー‐----  ..____,. -‐'' ´. --――‐l′l'´ f'⌒',`丶  r.,ヘ、
三三三三三ニ>''´_,,. -― '' ´ ̄ ! l、 ゝ,rく.ヽ、 \ヽ.j.ヽ
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三三ニ>''´         ,.ィ´三ヽ     , 、   \三三フ
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   ヽ.     _,.イf´    ヘ三三ン′  ./ ノ三ニ/ /
      ̄`ヾ、`ーt  . -‐‐ヘ_/‐-、 /_/ニ> '´
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  ,.-‐´コ ]}}})} j 冫rnl`T‐f´    l !
 ´ ̄ ̄ ´  `¨´ `ー^`'┴ヘ._-‐===,〉
               _/     ヘ
             くフヽ´ ヘ r' ̄/ ̄ヽヲ!_

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