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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.


Create IconAA

    .|三三三、"'' ィ//ノ/l|l|l|l|l|liゞゞミヘヾ`` _〟|
    |三三三三、  '/ノ!!|!|!|1|!l'`  _,,.ィ彡"´ |
    |三三三r"´ .___  i _,,.ィイ彡"_,〟|
    .|三三三  彡--‐‐‐┘_'_ ィ"´,ィ弋ツフ′ |
    |三三三.   _,ィ弋込、,:  い" ̄ー'"フ′ |
     |三三Ξ   _,二=''" :  l::::::.        |
     .l三三三         :.   : :::::ヽ,    |
     `ー=ニヘ     /,     _ィ="      |
         ヽ    〃`゙゙゙'ー'"´    〟 |
          ',    .::     _,,ィ-‐''"′ | サーバー移転テスト
           ヽ    ' , -‐‐" ̄´     |
            \        ̄"´    ,ノ|
             \         ..:::::::::|
            ,ィ‐′`ー- 、__,,;;;/::::::::::|
          //     ',     : : : : :::::::::|

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