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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2012-10-13 05:50:12

Create IconAA

                  ,r'ニニニヾヽ、                 //ニニニヽ、
                ("´ ̄ ̄ヾ))     _____   ((/ ̄ ̄`゙`)
                |   、ィ_ノと)'   / "\, 、/"\  (つ(_,,ア   |!
                i|   ` イ_/  / (‐-、)、 ,(,-‐ ) \. \_Y   |!
     ┏┓    ┏━━┓.ヽ、  ' (  /   `゙(__人__)'"   \ / `  /|.   ┏┓┏┓
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     ┃┃        ┃┃   ゚   |!  Y           ィ |!           ┏┓┏┓
     ┗┛        ┗┛    ,.  '  、/               ヾ             ┗┛┗┛
                 ゚, i! `| ゜、l!            i|!; ゚ ゜ 。|li '

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