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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2012-08-18 18:19:33

Create IconAA

                    |圭圭|   /
           __        .|圭圭|   ,'
       ,..-ニ三三三三ミt、 . .|圭圭|  .l
     ,.ィチミVチツ!ルニミ三三ミムヽ、|圭圭|  |    イ l   立 |二
    //チァ'゙ "´ l!  マ三彡ヾッ `|圭圭|   |    木厶   木ノ |
    ,'.;ミ il    ィ== ゙、イ三! |三|圭圭|   |    ー‐ァ !l  干干 !」
    ! ミi il__    ヽ, ,.-=、マ三! |ニ|圭圭|  |     (__   ー‐|―
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    !i.lミlム     r'´ ヽ ヽl.三ミ|圭圭|   .\
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.     l| l.三三!、三ア::::ム!:::::::::l三!|圭圭|
      |l V三ミ!ィ'":::',:::::::ム、:::::|三ミ!圭圭|
     |l V三ム::::::::::',::::::::ムヽ|三ミ|圭圭|
.     |l .Vニム:::::::::::'.,::::::::ム,l三li|圭圭|
      |!  iVニム:::l::::::::'.,::::::;':l三il|圭圭|
      |i  |::Vニム:l::i::::::::',::;':::l彡-‐'"∨|
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       l! .l:::',:Vニム::::;.ィ'.:/'   、`ヽノli!

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