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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2012-08-03 00:56:34

Create IconAA

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   ∨| ヘ`<=''~   弋ッ-ミ'''テ~ナ/    |ー― \/ ´ ̄| 「 ̄`  |   | \/
    〉'| | ト、   i{   ,..`二/ =|/''′     |__ /\ 匚]__ !__,  |_ |  __/
   //ヽヽぅ   ヽ     {   =|
   //匚 ̄]〕       丶,-‐ ,> -\-----------------------------------------
  /´r┐|__,|ト、       、____`7´ -\---\--------------------------------\--\-
__人..二.」'   l>、    ヽ`,二/ -\--\-----\\\\\\---\\\\\\\---\\\\\\\-------
     ´"''ー-∟_\  ∠三ノ        -\-\-----\------\--\------\-------\\--\--\-
―-、__        ``ヾニ='′         -\--\----\\\\\\\\--\------\-----\\----\--\-
     `ヽ      /、           -\---\---\---------\------\---\\------\--\-
       |‐- ...__   /ヽ\_ -\----\---\\\\\\---\------\--\\\\\\\--\--\-
         \    ̄   `ヽ \       これはおもろいな( ´Α`)

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