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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2012-07-15 23:22:32

Create IconAA

      \.、                                  /<´\/,、/ ,/ |      l   //  | |
       \\                               〈 /\ />i/ |   |      \//|i  .| |
         \ \           /`l               // /〈//    .|/ |―i'ニニニ⊂〈     ヘ  | |
          \ .\        /   |              /  ヽ//ヘ      |   |  |     | |   .|.|  | |
            \ \     //  ./´〃〉ノヘ        ,  |\ //  |      |   |  |     | |   | |  | |
             \ .\_   | |_/  // ヘゝ 〉    , </〉\ i |   /      .| ./  .|      | |  | |/ゝ_二二
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              /´ ̄ ̄冫ー――\|    \/  ,/〉、  |l \/  //  |l´ゝ、 / ̄\三|
          ∠ヘ /、___/  /     \___\// >.\| |  | //   /  ./     .\ヘ
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          /| | //   //  冫           ヾ / ̄ ̄ |  /〉、/   /|厂 , ヘ  |        ̄\ー、

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