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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.


Create IconAA

 //               `ミ\
           /  ン               冫 \
         / /  (_ ),t--=ニ ̄ニ=-t,( _).  ヽ\
        /  /  /.メtf´      l      テfスハ  ヽ \
      /  ン  /( ハ.      l      ハ )\ ミ_  \
      /  / /  ゛"ヘ }   _ ニ-―‐-ニ _  { /.゛"   \ \ 丶
     // /       ',`f´        `t´/      \ \丶
     /   /         ',ハ_メ 、× , メ_ハ/        i    i
     /.   /    .〈 ̄\   i {〈ヒソ\/ヒソ〉} i  / ̄〉     l    l
    /    /     丶 ヘ丶 l i    _   .i .i / /i /      l    l
   /   /      \ ゝ マハ`>‐--<´i /_/ ム/      l    .l
   /.   /        ト‐〉. 〉ゝ〉_∧_〈iム  〈‐7       l     l

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