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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2012-07-06 08:27:04

Create IconAA

                 /チ'ィチ三三l.|ニレニlヽl、ハノ、_}                ーァ l l  十 ゝ
             /イ三三ミljリリ.jレ' lル'~lメ l' f`゙l                、_    <j ̄)
          .  / ,'三三爪;=、   .::/リ:li 'ノ,'l!                ー十l l  | 十
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           /ニ三三アlミ7ミ/.:.:;'  ,..,.'.:.:lニl'´ /    \           ー十
         /ニ三三チ' .lミ彡゙.:.:.:lニ-,.'.:.:.:,:ヾミ !       \          9
        /イ三三ア==イl!.ヽ:.:.:.:l ,'.:;ィ'---i゙ミ, .`i.、.      \
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    / ./レ''゙       , .l三!</ .|_ム 、 ゙:,. .,; ヾミ、`'   `ヽ、.     \
    ,',,.ィ'´      ,.ィチl |三ゝ、 ヽヽ ゙'ー-;‐"  .l.l! `      ヽ     ` 、
 ,.ィ'"       ,.ィチ'l lミ! l三ミl |ミハ:::',..',   ゙:, ー-ミ、_        ヽ、      ヽ、
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