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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2012-07-02 21:55:29

Create IconAA

                 ヾ     i|!   ∧   ::o::: il   /|   //
                      :*::   ∨  /\ l>  |/
  パーフェクトフリーズ!    <l    +     |:l | |   il| ,、 ::::*::::
         .i\ /i           liー、  ∧ /゙、.:| |    //   ⊿  ,,,.-‐'''゙
        < '´  ̄ ヽ      ::+::  ゙、ヾ、 |i /∧ 、 ./〉/ /  __   _
       __彡ノメノノlノリ〉         ヽ ゙/ヽ| | | |//'゙ // ./´./  _∠/-‐''''´
       \ `ソリ!゚ ヮ゚ノi       l\:|\丶゙. ゙| l l |/ :/:// /_
        ><(つ!>つ○”+  *: \、ヽ 、ベ..::i i i ! /::/'´ ./ ̄ /  ::::o::::   :::::::
       / ,く//_|l〉 +゚     __,\ \ ゙.<´..:::..\../ / ;:ィ´ く>   ---
        ̄ l.ノl.ノ 。*      `>  \ヽ\ .......::::::::::::.....,三三三> --------
     ”`*・。,,,。.+*・          `´⌒ヽ/\_  /ヽ、/ヽィー'´

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