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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2012-04-03 22:55:37

Create IconAA

          (`'ヽ,  _
       ,⌒ヽ..iiii ⌒ノ
       ヽ__,,-'''、__ン    , '~) ,、
        `ー'( )      /''~  ノ )
            |   ,,-/__,--("> )ミ;
      ,、 _,, --(ヽ,()/'ー'   ̄ ''ヽノ'
  ,,-,-,-(__ノ~ , -、,'⌒') ゚/)---=(>⌒>
  `-'~ __, -'''ヽ__ ヽ,ノ ⌒ヽ\_,,- ,~
    /~ ノ~ /~  !!!!!ヽ--'ソ (⌒)'⌒)
    `- (_ノ_ヽ、__.〉、__,,,)( し' ミ';';'; く
   //(~ )、)ノ/ノi') ( `、 )人_ノ    ヘ'⌒ヽフ
  /,,ノ  `-' ,-''て入,,_ ~ ~ ~       (・ω・* )
//     <ノ( , ノ、 )          (    )

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