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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2012-01-28 21:58:31

Create IconAA

    ▓▓█◤ ██▂▃▄██ █   ███▌    ▀███   █ ██▄▃▂██ ◥█▓▓
◥◣▂◢▓▓█◣ ▼   ▼ ▀▇▅▂███       ██▂▅▇▀ ▼   ▼ ◢█▓▓◣▂◢◤
  █▓▓█◣           ▼  ██      ▼  ▼           ◢█▓▓█
   ███       ▂▃▃▂     ▼             ▂▃▃▂       ███
 ◢◤▀▀▲   ▃▅◤▃▅▆▆▅▃◥◣            ◢◤▃▅▆▆▅▃◥▅▃   ▲▀▀◥◣
 ▌ ▓▓█  ◥█▀▼ █████◣◥◣          ◢◤▼ █████◣▀█◤  █▓▓  ▌
 ▌    █▌ ▼ █▅▓▆▇▓▓▌              ▐▅▓▇▆▓▓█ ▼  █▌    ▌
 ▌    ██    ██▓██▓▓▌              ▐█▓██▓▓█    ██     ▌
  ▌   ██▌  ◢▀▆▃▓▓▓█                █▓▓▓▃▆▀◣   ██▌   ▌
  ◥◣◥▅███   ◢◤▀▀▀▀                  ▀▀▀▀◥◣   ███▅◤◢◤
   ◥◣▃███  / /l /         ▍            / /l /  ███▃◢◤
     ▀█◣▲/ / l/          ◢▍         / / l/  ▲◢█▀
      █▌ ▌                                   ▌ █▌
      █▌  ◥◣         ◢◣   ▂▂   ◢◣         ◢◤   █▌
      ▼    ◥◣         ▀▀    ▀▀         ◢◤    ▼
              ◥◣                      ◢◤
                 ▀▆▅▃            ▃▅▆▀

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