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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2011-11-15 20:25:35

Create IconAA


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             ____.AA_      ____.∧∧       /ノ/ノ
    ○○   ~/ ▼▲ ⊂ ・\   ~i lll iii lll ii ミl ・ _・lミ    ( ・ x・)
   ( ・.・)     .| ▲▼▲  ト-- '     | ii lll iii lll i ト-‐-'      /   |
  ヽ/ nn|     |_|_| ̄ ̄|_|_|        |_|_| ̄ ̄|_|_|       ol_2nnl
   子         牛            寅           卯

                             彡 . ・ )
    |U|             ___          .彡 . | ̄
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  Σ| ll く     .    __/ /.  ̄       |  __  /     ~(~~~~~~~~@ ‐\
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   ヽ_`-‐'ノ    (_____).      |_|_|   |_|_|         |_|_|~~~~|_|_|
.     ~ ̄
    辰         巳           午             未

     , -‐- 、
    l ,-、,-、 l         M_          ∧_/l
    ( l ・ ・ l )         | ・>       / ‥|         ____∧∧
    (  ┴  )        /  ヽ     ∩ / ヽ._」     ~/         ・\
     i つ つ      Σi__Σ__ノ     | |/   l l l        |       __∠ノ
  ~(_____)         _|_|_       l_i__|_|_|         |_|_| ̄ ̄|_|_|

      申         酉         戌            亥

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