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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2017-10-22 01:57:35

Create IconAA

305 名前:地域密着型jikkyo民[sage] 投稿日:2017/10/22(日) 01:55:43.01 ID:iRVdn3Ds [13/13]
          トv'Z -‐z__ノ!_
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    、  ,ェr<`iァ'^´ 〃 lヽ   ミ ∧!::: .´ あの穏やかな還り方は少し…羨ましい
      ゞ'-''ス. ゛=、、、、 " _/ノf::::  ~
    r_;.   ::Y ''/_, ゝァナ=ニ、 メノ::: ` ;.
       _  ::\,!ィ'TV =ー-、_メ::::  r、
       ゙ ::,ィl l. レト,ミ _/L `ヽ:::  ._´
       ;.   :ゞLレ':: \ `ー’,ィァト.::  ,.
       ~ ,.  ,:ュ. `ヽニj/l |/::
          _  .. ,、 :l !レ'::: ,. "
              `’ `´   ~

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tweetあの穏やかな還り方は少し…羨ましい #mahoyome #TwitAA : #asciiart

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