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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2015-11-09 09:52:00

Create IconAA

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 N  人_ゝ、 / ==== l1 ハ
 | ! /===     ⊂⊃  ト、 そーなのかー?
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      Ⅵ__ゝ-'、:〈〉: !∧
      l:::::::::::::: ̄:::トー'
       ` r-,、-r‐'
         ¨ ¨

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