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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2015-08-14 00:00:07

Create IconAA

997 名前:地域密着型jikkyo民[sage] 投稿日:2015/08/13(木) 23:54:53.15 ID:aWgHv6eQ [33/33]
   / ̄ ̄\ ←ゆき先輩
 /   _ノ  \                        ____
 |    /゚ヽ/゚ヽ                        /      \  ←みーくん
 |     (__人__) めぐ姉めぐ姉              /ノ  \   u. \
  |     |'|`⌒´ノ めぐ姉めぐ姉めぐ姉       /(●)  (●)    \
.  |.    U    }                   ...|   (__人__)    u.   | なんだこいつ・・・マジやべぇ。
.  ヽ        }                      \ u.` ⌒´      /
   ヽ     ノ                       ノ           \
   /    く

   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \                          ____
 |    /゚ヽ/゚ヽ                         /      \    一ヵ月後・・・・。
 |     (__人__) めぐ姉めぐ姉めぐ姉          /ノ  \    \
  |     |'|`⌒´ノ                     / /゚\  /゚\    \
.  |.    U    }                    |   (__人__)        | めぐ姉めぐ姉めぐ姉
.  ヽ        }                      \  .` ⌒´|'|      /
   ヽ     ノ                       ノ     .U     \
   /    く

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