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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2015-08-10 09:48:23

Create IconAA

  ▂▅▆▅▄    ▃██▀◢◤▀▅▂
 ◢██████◣ ▄███  ▍   ▼◣
 ████████████ ▎    ▂ ◥◣
▐████████■▀▀▉┃   █▌■ ▎
 ◥■██■▀█◤ ◢〓  ┃   ▆▋ █▐▬▅█▆
         ▎  ▐▄       ▀◢▀   ▀█◤
           ◥◣  █▅▂         ┃
            ◥▂  ▓█▅▂    ▂◢◤
           ▂▅▆▆◣ ▀▓█▀ ◢▆▅▄▂
      ▅██▀   ███■■■▇◣  ◥██▋
     ███◣▂   ▐▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓◥▍▀■▌
     ▀█◤ ▍ ◥◣▐▓▓▓▓▀▓▓▓▀▓▍ ◥▎▂
   ▂◢〓▍ ▎◥◣ ▐▓▓▓▎▐▓▓▎▐▓▍ ┃ ▎
  ▐◣▄━▎  ◥◣ ◢▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▎▂◢▀
   ◥▂  ◥  ▂◢▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▋
  ▂◢━◣▂     ◢███◤    ▀▓▅▌
◢▀〓◣▂░::::◥◣  ◢███◤     ◢██◤
▍░:::: ▀◥◣░::::◥▅███◤     ◢██◤
▐::::░░::::◥◣◥◣ ◥▎▀▉  ▃◤▆██◤▂▃▬▂
 ◥▂░░:::: ◥▲::::░░▎ ◢::::░▀■░▍::::░░::::◥◣
         ▀▃░▂▼  ◥◣▄◢◤〓▄◢〓◤▀

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