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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2015-04-10 16:20:09

Create IconAA

     消え往く存在どもおはようw       -―- うーっす、おはよー!    |//////////|
          //              /   _l_   \今日も一日         .|'///////// |
   ______|\/ /__              / / 人 \ \がんばっていこーね! |//////////|
   \,,/----∠_∠_             /   / ◎ \  ヽ               |//// /////,|
  < /     |  \/_         /l  /_`Y´_\ lヽ                l巛巛ヽノ// ノ|
 -=.'/     入  \/_       / |  | ィェァ  ィェァ |  | \             l彡/<◎>ミ,l だから変態じゃないって
 //     ∠==ヽ ヽ/       // l  |     |    |  |\ `丶、_       ._l彡 ‐- Y -‐ミ.l,_
 //    /「ィェァ |  |\   _/,. :´  |  l     レ    l  |  `丶、   ̄`丶、   l Y ィェァ ィェァ Y l
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   ヽ.| \:::::::/ .|/          //   ノ ノヽ ヽ   \\           | \:::::::/ .|/`

            | | ̄ ̄| ┬┴┬ l二l | ̄|   |   ‐┼― ‐┼― _l_ヾ
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                  |二二|   _ヽ  γ、ノ`ヽ   | ⌒
                  |__|  (_ ,   lノ ヽ_ノ   / ー‐

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