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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2014-11-24 17:16:04

Create IconAA

                            __/\              ./ ̄/
           殺              /|    `~┐         /  ゙ー-;
           伐             /_,ノ       ∫       /  /ー--'゙
         と             _,.~’        /        /_/
       ス   し         ,「~             ノ          _ノ ̄/
      レ  .た      //              ` ̄7     /_   /
      ッ        ,/|       島 根 県    /      / ̄    ̄7
  鳥  ド      ./ /~`⌒^7             /         ̄/_/ ̄
  取  .に    / /   / 丿            \,_      _/ ̄/_[][]
  県       |/   /  _7       /`⌒ーへ_,._⊃..  /_   _/
  が       ~`⌒^7 / \    _,.,ノ        /   /_   __/
  !           丿   /L. ,~’/        /       ./_/
             _7  ./,/   /`⌒ーへ_,._/
            \//  _/
             l∠. ,~’

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