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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2014-11-11 22:13:06

Create IconAA

              (⌒V⌒)      /ヽ
            (⌒\::::::::/⌒)  /  `ーー,
           (_ >:::○:::< )< ̄ (≡:/
          _(_/::::::\_) ,,〉    ヽ' ̄/
        /」_^^(_(⌒Y⌒)//~|/^\/ / ☆
       │「 「_」\(⌒*☆*⌒) |_(≡: | /\  ☆あずきHBD!
       { 」@「│☆} (__人__)☆(⌒Y⌒)\/ξ´・∀・)ノ
      _\「」_/」*☆(⌒Y⌒)(⌒*☆*⌒)☆ /
    /^…………>| |(⌒*☆*⌒)(__人__)~ \☆
   /…-‐ ̄/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ (__人__)  \…\_…\
 ∠‐"   ./…/!              /`…\\….
       {/"  ヽ            /  \…ヽ`ヽ}
            \          /    `…}
             /<二ヽ___∠二>      ヽ}
             〉 >〈  〉<  〉
            /    /.l//| ヽ `\
            ̄`!  / |//|  \  `\
             }/   `‐´    \/ ̄

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