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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2011-02-04 03:47:21

Create IconAA

        /´ `丶
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         ヽ, -´   ヽ\:::っ,   `ヽ、
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           '´ i l...i ' ´-‐、‐、ヽ:::::::::::::::l
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  ,-‐‐-、    /´ `‐-、ェェ==、、__ l l /゙)-、`i‐、
 (`\  iヾ、、i-、´-‐  ̄ ´_ '--'-´、 ´/ _,- )
  ヽゝ\´  ヽヽ;)_t ー __, -‐' ,ノノ'´ ヽ)ヽと,)
   ヽ  `、  )' ` ̄`ー-、__, -‐'   ゝヾ_'ノ
    i lゝ i , '      '丶_i_i_i_iノ、
     `ー',     , -‐、, ´ー-‐' `i
      ’      i  i´―'   l ,i
            ヽ_ヽ_, -‐‐'-'

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