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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2014-09-14 23:34:21

Create IconAA

    ◥▌   ▃◢◣▃     ▃▬▂   ▃◢▀
     ◥◣▅▀   ◥▌▂▃▲   ◥◣▅▀
      ▋◥▊  ◢▓█▓█▇◣   ▐◤▋
     ▌ ◥▉  ◢▓ ▓▓█▓█◣ ▼ ▋
      ▌   ▀▅◢▓▃▓▓█▓■▀▀  ▌
     ▌    ▐▀■▆▓■▀▆▲   ▌
    ▐   ▅▀▌▓  ▓▼◢▇▓▓▊▃  ▐
   ▐  ◢▋ ▐▓▓  ▓▌█▓█▓▊ ▐◣ ▐
    ▍ ◢▊  █▓▓ ▓▊ █▓█▓▌ █◣ ▍
   ▍◢◤   ▐▓▓▓ ▓▊▐▓█▓▓▍◢▀▌ ▍
  ▃▼   ▐▓▓ ▓▓▍▓█▓▓█▀▅ ▀◥▍
   ▎   ▃▲▓▓ ▓▌▓▓▓▅■  █◣  ▎
    ▎  ◢▋ ▐▓▓ ▐ ▓◢▓▅█▊   █◣  ▎
  ┃  ◢▊ ▐▓▓ ▌▓▓◢▓██   █◣ ┃
  ┃   ◢▉  ▐▓▐ ▓▓▓◢▓■    █◣ ┃
 ┃    ◢█  ▐▐ ▓▓▓▓◢█▍   ◢▌  ┃
      ◢■   ▐ ▓▓▓▓▓▼    ◥◣
     ◢▍    ▼◢▓▓▓▀      ▐◣
   ▂◢◤      ▀▓■▀

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