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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2014-07-17 23:00:15

Create IconAA

|         |  |
  |         |  |_____
  |         |  | ̄ ̄ ̄ /|
  |         |  |   / /|
  |        /\ |  /|/|/|  ドッドッドッドッドッド!!
  |      /  / |// / /|
  |   /  / |_|/|/|/|/|     (´⌒(´⌒`)⌒`)
  |  /  /  |文|/ // /  (´⌒(´祭だ!!祭だ!!`)⌒`)
  |/  /.  _.| ̄|/|/|/    (´⌒(´∧ ∧⌒`)`)`)⌒`)
/|\/  / /  |/ /     (´⌒(´(,゚Д゚ )つ `)`)
/|    / /  /ヽ  (´⌒(´⌒  (´⌒( つ |〕 /⌒`)⌒`)
  |   | ̄|  | |ヽ/|  遅れるな!!   ( |  (⌒)`)⌒`)
  |   |  |/| |__|/.   ∧__∧ ⌒`)ド し'⌒^ミ `)⌒`)ォ
  |   |/|  |/  (´⌒(´( ´∀` )つ  ド  ∧__∧⌒`)
  |   |  |/    (´⌒(´( つ/] /    ォと( ・∀・ ) 突撃――!!
  |   |/        ( |  (⌒)`)  ォ ヽ[|⊂[] )`)
  |  /         (´ ´し'⌒^ミ `)`)ォ (⌒)  |
  |/                     .   ̄ (_)`)`)

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