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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2014-03-25 04:44:12

Create IconAA

               ィ´ ' ⌒`´ ̄`丶ミヽ
             /r‐'_´  /| ヽ、  <\
.            / / ` / /ノハ l'`ヽ、|‐く  ヽ
          _/ イl 八/   ```  ´∨ヽ ハ _
.          /  ヽ   /ヽ '⌒    ⌒  ∨  彡ヘ 凸守はカレーが食べたいデース!
         | l l |  l|                |   | |l|
          | | | |  l| 、x、、     , -    || ! ll|
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.         | | |∨  l  辷丿     ィ==- |/ /| | |
.          ||| 八 \     '       // /| l/ |
        |l| /l ト、トゝ     __      彳´ ノ/   |
         |l .| | `` ヘ、    ` ′     . ' ̄ |. |  |
          |l .| l|    ヽ、        イ    l/|  |
.         |l | |l!       ` l  ―   l       |l |  |
.          |! | |l|      ノト、__ _ 斗ヘ.     |l |  |
        |! .l | |   .ィ:::l  __ム_ /`ヽ、 .|l |  |
        |! .ゝ-┴ '´ //:::::レ' イ{__ト、、\::::::l |`┴―-|、
        ∨:::::::::::::::::::////l |/ ハ ∨ヽ\l |::::::::::::::::::::ヽ

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