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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.


Create IconAA

   ∧ ∧  ちんぽっぽ              こっちなんです!  ∧ ∧
  ( *‘ω‘)つ                           (><; )ノシ  (‘へ‘* )
≡ (  つ━┓                           ⊂(   )    ( 〓☆)
   とノ( ̄ ̄) ツツー                    _/  uーJ      v v
        ̄ ̄
                  ∩_∩                    (;゚;;) ヒョイヒョイ
                  |   |  ジュル  こないでください! 彡   ミ
                  ヽ∧ ∧        从      (;゚;;) ∧ ∧ (;゚;;)
                   ( *‘ω‘)つ       (><l|! )  ヽ(‘へ‘* )ノ
    ぼいんっ          ∪┓ υ         ∩∩  )   ( 〓☆)
         ε---=≡ (( ̄ ̄))        _/  uーJ     v v

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