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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

TwitAA 2014-01-03 11:42:12

Create IconAA

    ▼ ███████████████████████████████████▌▼
     ▍ ██████████████████████████████████▎ ▍
     ▎ █████████████████████████████████▎ ▎
      Ӏ █████▅ ▀▀██████████████▀█▀ ▅█████ Ӏ
      ┃██████▅  ┃▍▀████████▀▌▎▎▋▅██████ ┃
        Ӏ ███▆▂▀▀◣ ▎▌▎▎▍▋█. ▉▊▉▎▋▍▍▌▀▀ ▃███▎Ӏ
        ◥█████▃ ┃▍▋▍▍▌▊▉ ▉▋▊▍▋▍▍▍┃█████◤
         ███▀▀ Ӏ ┃▍▋▍▌▋▉▊.▊▌▋▍▌▎▎▎┃ ▀██▊
          ◥███▅◤▀▆▃▎▌▎▋▊▊▋▊▍▌▎▍ ▂▅◤▀◥▅███◤
         ◢▀▀█◣   ▃▅█▇▅▃▂▋▊▌▅▃▅▇█▆▅▃   ◢█▀▀◣
        ▊◢▅▇▀◣ ◥▌ ███◣▀◣▋█ █▼◢███ ▐◤ ◢▀▆▅◣ ▊
       ◥◣▼█ ▌    ▀▀ Ӏ ▎▋▋▊ ▊┃▎ ▀▀    ▐ █▼◢◤
          ▌ ▼ ▋     ┃▎▌▊█▐. ▎▍▎Ӏ    ▋▼  ▌
         ◥◣ ◥▅▌      Ӏ ▎▍▉█ ▌▎▌▍Ӏ     ▐▅◤ ◢◤
           ◥▅▃▲     ┃▎◥▇▀┃▌▍▎┃ ▲▃▅◤
           ▀██  Ӏ ┃ ┃ ▃▂▃┃▍▍▎┃ ◢█▀▀
             █▀◣┃ ▎▎◢▀▀▀▀◥ ▎▎▎ ▅▀▉
             ■  Ӏ◥◣▍▍▎▲▅▃◤┃▃▆▀  ▊
             ▂▅█  ┃▎▀▅▃▌▌▍▄▆▀┃   █◣▂
         ▂▅◤▀ Ӏ▊   ┃▍▎▍▀▇▊▇◤▌▎┃   ■ ▀◥▅▃
   ▂▃◢〓▀  ▂◢◤▀ ┃┃▌▍▌▍█ ▉▊▍▍┃   ▀◥◣▂   ▀〓◣▃▂
▅■▀       ▀◥◣   Ӏ ┃▋▌▊▌█.▊▋▎▌┃     ◢◤▀         ▀■▅

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