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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

ファビョ━ l|l l|l ━ン!

Create IconAA

     \丶 r⌒ヽ (⌒⌒)  r⌒ヽ/,  / /,
  ヽ  、、;(⌒ヾ . (((⌒⌒)))  /⌒) ),  ,
   、ヾ (⌒ ファビョ━ l|l l|l ━ン!⌒⌒);;)/,
 、\(⌒ゝ;(⌒ヾ    ∧_∧    ⌒)/)) .,  /
((⌒-丶(;;;(⌒ゝ;;(⌒∩#`Д´>'') ,⌒⌒);;;;;)))⌒)
 (;;;;(⌒(⌒;;;(⌒   ヽ    ノ / ))⌒));;;;)-⌒))
ゞ (⌒⌒=─      (,,フ .ノ    ─=⌒⌒)ノ;;ノ;;;::)
((⌒≡=─.       レ'    ─=≡⌒)丿;;丿ノ

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