ASCII art Textarea style : [2ch] preview [PC] [mixi] Diary page preview [PC] [mixi] Message page preview [PC] [mixi] Schedule page preview [PC] [mixi] Topic page preview [PC] [Twitter] pattern 1 : Home page preview [PC] [Twitter] pattern 2 : Notifications page preview [PC] [Twitter] pattern 3 : Profile (page low) size preview [PC] [Twitter] pattern 4 : Profile page (medium size) preview [PC] [Twitter] pattern 5 : Profile page (high size) preview [PC] [Twitter] pattern 6 : Single page preview [PC]
2 Channel
+ [2ch] preview [PC]Item Detail font-family MS PGothic font-size 16px line-height 18px width auto Sample URL note note This information is the result of a survey in Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
1 :(*゚Д゚)さん :9999/99/99(日) 99:99:99.99 ID:xxxxxxxx mixi
+ [mixi] Diary page preview [PC]Item Detail font-family MS PGothic font-size 12px line-height 18px width 504px(fixed) Sample URL note note This information is the result of a survey in Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
+ [mixi] Message page preview [PC]Item Detail font-family MS PGothic font-size 14px line-height 20px width 305px(fixed) Sample URL note note This information is the result of a survey in Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
User さんとのメッセージ
+ [mixi] Schedule page preview [PC]Item Detail font-family MS PGothic font-size 12px line-height 18px width 674px(fixed) Sample URL note note This information is the result of a survey in Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
+ [mixi] Topic page preview [PC]Item Detail font-family MS PGothic font-size 12px line-height 18px width 543px(fixed) Sample URL https://mixi/ note note This information is the result of a survey in Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
+ [Twitter] pattern 1 : Home page preview [PC]Item Detail font-family Arial, sans-serif font-size 14px line-height 18px width 506px(fixed) Sample URL note Home page note This information is the result of a survey in Japanese language setting of Twitter and Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
+ [Twitter] pattern 2 : Notifications page preview [PC]Item Detail font-family Arial, sans-serif font-size 13px line-height 18px width 429px(fixed) Sample URL note Notifications page note This information is the result of a survey in Japanese language setting of Twitter and Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
Name さんは、あなたのツイートをリツイートしました。
+ [Twitter] pattern 3 : Profile (page low) size preview [PC]Item Detail font-family Gotham Narrow SSm, sans-serif font-size 16px line-height 22px width 444 - 527px(auto) Sample URL note Profile page low size.
Language setup is Japanease. note This information is the result of a survey in Japanese language setting of Twitter and Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
+ [Twitter] pattern 4 : Profile page (medium size) preview [PC]Item Detail font-family Gotham Narrow SSm, sans-serif font-size 22px line-height 28px width 444 - 527px(auto) Sample URL note Profile page medium size.
Language setup is Japanease. note This information is the result of a survey in Japanese language setting of Twitter and Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
+ [Twitter] pattern 5 : Profile page (high size) preview [PC]Item Detail font-family Gotham Narrow SSm, sans-serif font-size 26px line-height 32px width 444 - 527px(auto) Sample URL note Profile page high size.
Language setup is Japanease. note This information is the result of a survey in Japanese language setting of Twitter and Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.
+ [Twitter] pattern 6 : Single page preview [PC]Item Detail font-family Gotham Narrow SSm, sans-serif font-size 28px line-height 34px width 560px(fixed) Sample URL note Single page.
Language setup is Japanease. note This information is the result of a survey in Japanese language setting of Twitter and Windows7 + Google chrome on the infrastructure around June 2014.