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This site aims at the support of reuse / the change cycle of the ASCII art (AA). Copy and paste are free. Let's enjoy Ascii Art culture without forgetting respect to other AA craftsmen.

NEW! 2014/06/14 : LINE sticker size was added to the Icon AA.

タイプ title user name Post date
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-05-12 21:58:25 B1ri_biR1 2013/05/12(Sun) 21:58
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-05-12 23:24:55 hetaonline 2013/05/12(Sun) 23:24
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-05-13 22:34:50 er_4mdgw 2013/05/13(Mon) 22:34
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-05-18 19:21:37 hir28270 2013/05/18(Sat) 19:21
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-05-21 04:25:36 yaruo37 2013/05/21(Tue) 04:25
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-06-02 18:37:02 yyLachesis43 2013/06/02(Sun) 18:37
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-06-02 18:43:04 yyLachesis43 2013/06/02(Sun) 18:43
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-06-04 18:00:38 xxxARIMURAxxx 2013/06/04(Tue) 18:00
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-06-09 16:26:07 higa87 2013/06/09(Sun) 16:26
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-06-10 00:02:04 gerry_fish 2013/06/10(Mon) 00:02
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-06-11 22:54:58 hikao_ 2013/06/11(Tue) 22:54
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-06-23 19:59:57 Ken5_73 2013/06/23(Sun) 19:59
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-06-26 00:22:16 ironbitch22 2013/06/26(Wed) 00:22
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-05 03:01:26 K_dai1304 2013/07/05(Fri) 03:01
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-15 01:31:04 sensei_male 2013/07/15(Mon) 01:31
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-15 15:13:21 dimamuzie 2013/07/15(Mon) 15:13
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-24 20:15:36 masakari_melon 2013/07/24(Wed) 20:15
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-26 05:32:12 _Decadent 2013/07/26(Fri) 05:32
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-27 22:01:58 k_mugura 2013/07/27(Sat) 22:01
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-27 22:02:51 k_mugura 2013/07/27(Sat) 22:02
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-28 13:59:07 sora_ayachan_85 2013/07/28(Sun) 13:59
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-29 02:23:43 suwa03309 2013/07/29(Mon) 02:23
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-29 23:03:33 Gongle_kia 2013/07/29(Mon) 23:03
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-29 23:55:43 exa1018 2013/07/29(Mon) 23:55
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-30 18:22:13 tenhou2525 2013/07/30(Tue) 18:22
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-07-31 00:16:01 tamura_mura 2013/07/31(Wed) 00:16
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-05 12:19:12 hatunesan_0726 2013/08/05(Mon) 12:19
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-10 23:31:01 dimamuzie 2013/08/10(Sat) 23:31
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-10 23:31:17 dimamuzie 2013/08/10(Sat) 23:31
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-12 17:35:40 exa1018 2013/08/12(Mon) 17:35
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-19 13:27:16 kiu_b 2013/08/19(Mon) 13:27
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-20 08:56:14 Yasue222 2013/08/20(Tue) 08:56
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-20 13:52:12 hatunesan_0726 2013/08/20(Tue) 13:52
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-20 19:56:43 BorisMikhailo 2013/08/20(Tue) 19:56
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-21 18:12:21 winternight0716 2013/08/21(Wed) 18:12
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-27 10:03:35 aho_maru 2013/08/27(Tue) 10:03
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-08-28 00:26:44 hbjzank 2013/08/28(Wed) 00:26
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-09-10 19:31:37 0shimad 2013/09/10(Tue) 19:31
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-09-12 08:59:21 wakuchan27 2013/09/12(Thu) 08:59
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-09-16 21:11:59 nagi_404 2013/09/16(Mon) 21:11
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-09-17 20:15:28 akumu20468schuu 2013/09/17(Tue) 20:15
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-09-27 00:45:33 hetaonline 2013/09/27(Fri) 00:45
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-09-28 13:36:10 wolfgang750 2013/09/28(Sat) 13:36
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-09-30 17:17:54 haruchin_kawaii 2013/09/30(Mon) 17:17
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-10-04 22:10:11 fujiwara_momiji 2013/10/04(Fri) 22:10
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-10-06 23:29:10 ahyahyahyah 2013/10/06(Sun) 23:29
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-10-27 08:43:08 haneumahosi 2013/10/27(Sun) 08:43
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-10-31 00:09:10 GEdo_do 2013/10/31(Thu) 00:09
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-11-04 16:56:15 hatunesan_0726 2013/11/04(Mon) 16:56
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-11-04 19:15:06 null_ysk 2013/11/04(Mon) 19:15
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-11-10 12:34:40 ai_keion 2013/11/10(Sun) 12:34
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-11-17 18:37:29 efekut 2013/11/17(Sun) 18:37
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-11-17 18:39:05 efekut 2013/11/17(Sun) 18:39
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-12-07 23:15:00 t_nr_neopower 2013/12/07(Sat) 23:15
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-12-08 00:14:35 t_nr_neopower 2013/12/08(Sun) 00:14
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-12-15 20:07:44 Ci_RLA 2013/12/15(Sun) 20:07
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-12-21 13:18:35 nesu12345 2013/12/21(Sat) 13:18
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-12-21 13:21:59 nesu12345 2013/12/21(Sat) 13:21
Twit AA TwitAA 2013-12-31 00:57:54 9901_dx 2013/12/31(Tue) 00:57
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-07 14:59:28 hskt_0327 2014/01/07(Tue) 14:59
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-12 17:18:00 memoyoushi_15 2014/01/12(Sun) 17:18
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-14 14:52:41 swindlern 2014/01/14(Tue) 14:52
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-14 14:53:15 swindlern 2014/01/14(Tue) 14:53
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-18 23:40:16 ikaryakuchan 2014/01/18(Sat) 23:40
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-18 23:40:34 ikaryakuchan 2014/01/18(Sat) 23:40
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-19 02:48:13 HJ_N0Va_suwa 2014/01/19(Sun) 02:48
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-19 03:58:50 osu_sky_tencho 2014/01/19(Sun) 03:58
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-19 13:02:51 FOOD441 2014/01/19(Sun) 13:02
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-23 20:48:44 uranago_2525 2014/01/23(Thu) 20:48
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-26 23:16:10 yuk1k4ze 2014/01/26(Sun) 23:16
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-28 02:27:19 sakimaji 2014/01/28(Tue) 02:27
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-01-31 11:01:21 tomorrowland_kz 2014/01/31(Fri) 11:01
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-02-24 20:02:28 RofLsan 2014/02/24(Mon) 20:02
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-02-24 20:05:28 RofLsan 2014/02/24(Mon) 20:05
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-03-11 10:43:12 qq5c95zx9 2014/03/11(Tue) 10:43
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-03-13 19:55:29 nya_san9 2014/03/13(Thu) 19:55
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-03-19 20:38:48 iincho2525 2014/03/19(Wed) 20:38
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-03-28 13:22:05 yunomi5959 2014/03/28(Fri) 13:22
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-04-23 22:48:39 rorikon810 2014/04/23(Wed) 22:48
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-06-01 20:47:28 NUMANG 2014/06/01(Sun) 20:47
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-06-05 20:14:39 Ikemen_Slayer 2014/06/05(Thu) 20:14
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-06-12 14:54:21 xyuitomarux 2014/06/12(Thu) 14:54
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-06-14 21:09:38 ma_sateru 2014/06/14(Sat) 21:09
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-06-14 21:10:24 ma_sateru 2014/06/14(Sat) 21:10
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-06-16 20:44:26 itoyusuke0613 2014/06/16(Mon) 20:44
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-06-17 10:20:51 arabu3 2014/06/17(Tue) 10:20
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-07-16 16:48:27 itoyusuke0613 2014/07/16(Wed) 16:48
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-08-07 14:51:56 waarudosakkaa 2014/08/07(Thu) 14:51
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-08-16 01:20:56 itoyusuke0613 2014/08/16(Sat) 01:20
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-08-16 01:28:23 itoyusuke0613 2014/08/16(Sat) 01:28
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-08-28 15:17:54 mica184b 2014/08/28(Thu) 15:17
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-10-17 18:08:54 ninnikochan 2014/10/17(Fri) 18:08
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-10-26 01:15:25 yumasiki_iaia 2014/10/26(Sun) 01:15
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-11-08 21:32:17 ressi120 2014/11/08(Sat) 21:32
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-11-09 07:04:46 ichitaroh 2014/11/09(Sun) 07:04
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-11-17 21:35:18 Ransubymar 2014/11/17(Mon) 21:35
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-12-09 00:31:07 sxtaku11 2014/12/09(Tue) 00:31
Twit AA TwitAA 2014-12-23 19:52:58 fkymdaluma 2014/12/23(Tue) 19:52
Twit AA TwitAA 2015-01-17 11:45:38 roshi_333GHz 2015/01/17(Sat) 11:45
Twit AA TwitAA 2015-01-22 21:49:27 xcepter 2015/01/22(Thu) 21:49

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